Madden 25 Offense Tips: How To Get Better ASAP
Offensively there’s A LOT to process
Reading defense, matching the correct playcall with defense you read, decision making, etc
But me, 3x Pro Madden Champion, “Manu” laid out the 6 skills I mastered to become a top player
(That I’ve also taught to 592 students and aspiring competitive players like you)
Here’s The 6 Offensive Tips Madden 25 You NEED To Be A Competitive Player:
- Master Freeform Passing
- Know 99.9% Of Plays Suck
- Understand Proper Spacing
- Perfecting Your Reads Under Pressure
- Redzone = New Offense
- Processing Defenses
1. Master Freeform Passing
Use L2 to trigger “freeform” while hitting the icon of a WR.
I use 4/20 because I can safely freeform passes away from a man defender
BUT freeform triggers overthrows (not as many on 4/20)
Biggest key – if a guy is WIDE open ONLY use left stick – no L2
2. 99.9% Of Offensive Plays Suck
In my courses I breakdown the 9 spaces you need to be able to target.
99.9% of routes aren’t able to touch 3 of the 9 spaces.
If you use only stock plays…
A smart opponent can shift ALL their defensive resources to the only 6 spaces you can attack
3. Proper Offensive Spacing
My #1 offense tip – don’t break the 6 foot covid rule
Bad reads largely stem from poor spacing
Intermix routes that attack DIFFERENT depths of the field like:
👉Drags/deep crossers
(Bad play on top; good play on bottom)
4. Reads Under Pressure
Find a practice partner and throw 50+ reads vs. the blitz daily for 30 days
You’ll train your muscle memory to take sacks and throw the ball away in worst case scenarios
Have pass protection prepped for blitzes in real games but prepare for the worst
5. Redzone = New Offense
Have a secondary scheme for inside the 20s.
The back of the endzone acts as an extra defender in 20s so avoid passing if you can
My rule of thumb is 2 out of every 3 playcalls should be a run/rpo
It’s easy to throw picks down there bc of tight spaces
6. Processing Defenses
“Read an outside CB or safety to determine Cover 2/3/4” – everyone
This is a slow process and once you play better comp – it’ll be rare to see basic shells
I process the field VERY fast b/c I do none of the above
I call out spaces of the field by number
Now if you’re curious about how to leverage my 9 Spaces System to master reading defenses faster and getting better on offense…
You can master this skill for free with my free Madden 25 “ebook” (once sold for $99) down below.
To learn more in-depth on how to apply man demolishing concepts in your game, start by taking a FREE skills evaluation to see where your skills stack up: