Do you tend to drift back in the pocket when passing?
Do you have a strong understanding of how to read defenses pre and post-snap?
Do you have a strong understanding of how to attack basic coverages such as cover 2, cover 3, cover 4, and match?
Do you know how to develop your own defensive scheme? Do you understand the importance of building a scheme based around blitzes and coverage defense from the same look?
Do you understand a pro’s mindset on how to approach first drives, end-of-half drives, money drives, and how to rebound after going down at least a couple of possessions?
Note: A vast majority of players will need work approaching these situations. I highly recommend picking “no” unless you’re a high-level competitive player and even then some high-level competitive players need to work on this
Do you have a strong understanding of how to cut quick with your user like the pros? Do you always have a plan pre-snap with your user?
Select “No” if you answered “No” to either of these questions.
Do you struggle to consistently score touchdowns in the redzone?
Do you struggle to consistently get stops in the redzone on defense?
Do you have a strong understanding of how to utilize hybrid coverage on defense? (a mix of man and zone defense on the same play)
Note: A vast majority of players will need work approaching these situations. I highly recommend picking “no” unless you’re a high-level competitive player and even then a lot of high-level competitive players need work on this
Do you adjust on the fly well on offense? Are you able to design plays on the fly to beat a defense that is giving you trouble?
Note: A vast majority of players will need work approaching these situations. I highly recommend picking “no” unless you’re a high-level competitive player and even then a lot of high-level competitive players need to work on this
Do you adjust on the fly well on defense? Are you able to think up coverage adjustments on the fly to stop an offensive player who was originally scoring at will
Note: A vast majority of players will need work approaching these situations. I highly recommend picking “no” unless you’re a high-level competitive player and even then a lot of high-level competitive players need work on this. Y/N
1 out of 2
The following Sections are ungraded. They will strictly be used to provide insight to the Staff.
The following Sections are ungraded. They will strictly be used to provide insight to the Staff.
How many hours of free-time do you have each week for Madden this month on average?
What is your preferred mode/activity on Madden?
What would be your monthly budget to invest in your Madden knowledge so you can win more or level up? (Ex. $75-$100)
Can one of our pro's contact you to discuss your results
How did you hear about us?
How much would you spend
2 out of 2