Beat Man Blitzes Mastery Course – Madden 24


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Beating Blitzes In Madden 24 Mastery Course:

  1. Discover how to strategically manipulate your opponent into blowing a coverage in “1 of the 3 columns
  2. Learn how you’ll intelligently ‘isolate deep routes’ (without ANY glitch) to create your drop dead easy 1 play touchdown machine
  3. Unlock the Madden equivalent of “Jab, Jab, Right Hook” to greatly overpower even the most ruthless man blitz spammers


  • Why it’s a criminal felony to NOT have your halfback and tight end on the same side in Madden

Meet Manu – The Grandmaster Behind “Beat Man Blitzes” For Madden 24

    • Manu is a 3x Professional Madden Champion
    • He’s been one of the worlds best players since he was 13
    • Pros to beginner players hail him as the undisputed best Madden teacher
    • Inventor of the infamous “9 Spaces System” that simplifies Madden’s complex skills like reads, playcalling, and adjustments