Madden 25 PS5 Tips That You’ll Deeply Regret Playing Without


Madden 25 PS5 Tips:

You are at a GIGANTIC competitive disadvantage if you have not learned “quick adjustments” on Madden 25 PS5.

Your mastery of quick adjustments should be to the point where it is muscle memory.

If you are wasting time thinking of how to make an adjustment, you need to hit practice mode. 

You can think up the best strategy to stop someone but you won’t be able to implement it without quick adjustment practice. 


4 Madden 25 PS5 Tips That You Can’t Play Without: 

  1. Get comfortable with your quick adjustments. Aim to make 5 pre-play adjustments. 
  2. To quick adjust any secondary player – Double tap Y on Xbox/Triangle on PlayStation
  3. Quick adjust any linebacker – Double tap on the right d-pad 
  4. To adjust any defensive lineman – Double tap on the left d-pad

Why is learning quick adjustments so important on Madden 25 PS5? 

Competitive Madden players never want to be clicked off their user.

Your user is the best player on the field because unlike the CPU, you can guard multiple routes at once with your user.

The purpose of EA implementing quick adjustments is so you can adjust ANY and EVERY player on the field. All while being on one player (your user in the middle of field).

In the past, players would have to click onto every defender individually to adjust them. A smart player would see someone clicked off their user and snap ASAP.

When you got clicked off, the game sent you to a defensive lineman to user. Something you never want to happen. 

Once your quick adjustments are muscle memory, you will be able to make adjustments 5x faster.

This will allow you to set up any defense you want in time before the snap. I recommend sitting in practice mode and learning how to quick adjust EVERY player on the field and be comfortable with adjusting that player into any of his possible roles.

For example, cornerbacks can be hot routed into a flat zone, outside third, outside quarter, etc.

What You Need To Do Next:

You now have a brief understanding of how to win more games in Madden 23.

But why stop there?

What is holding you back from being a consistent and confident Madden player?

What is stopping you from actually looking forward to your evening on Madden after finally having some time to yourself after that grueling 8 hour shift?

Think of the process you go through to learn math in school.

Why are there teachers? Why don’t we just teach ourselves everything?

Society has mentors so we can get from point A to point B in the quickest most logical path possible.

You could learn Algebra on your own but how would you know when you are making mistakes?

How would you know if you are truly doing things the right way?

That is where the teacher comes in to correct your mistake and place you back on the right path.

It is the same process in Madden – you need a mentor.

That is why I created a free Madden 101 course for you. The hand crafted step by step path I am giving you is the same system I used to win $57,400 from professional tournaments, cash games, and money leagues.

It is the same system 208 of my students (whom 173 of them work full-time) used to DOUBLE their wins in 30 days.

And it is the same system you will use to earn that respect on your name that you secretly desire.

Let’s be honest, some nights you feel can walk on water after a Madden game. Then what happens the next day: “FUCK EVERYONE WHO MADE THIS DUMB ASS GAME I PROMISE I AM DONE WITH THIS SHIT.”

You are 2 minutes away from wiping away all that rage, stress, inconsistency and doubt.

Sign up now for your free course (originally was $95). Be relieved of your inevitable future pains and mistakes that once cost me my sanity and lots of wasted time.

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