Say F*CK You To Money Play Spammers


Receive Mid-game help vs. money play spammers

The Madden 24 Money Play Crushing App

Crush any money play spamming – Youtube d*ckriding idiot right in their tracks.

You know those morons can’t think past their 2 play spam once you strategically bully them.

Now in 3 seconds you’ll get strategic guidance vs. 112 formations and 178 money plays. 

(With The Groundbreaking The Madden Academy App)

How You'll Piss Off Money Play Spammers

1. Place Your Phone On Your Desk With Our App Open

App Screenshot_Dominate The Field

2. When Needed - Say "Hey Coach How Do I Stop *Insert Money Play*?"

3. Receive Lightning Fast Feedback From A Pro To Crush ANY Money Play

Hear What Other Madden Legends Are Saying About The App...

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$2,628,000 To Crush Money Play Spammers!?

Well that’s what it’d cost you to have Joseph “Manu” Montefusco (3x Pro Champion) as your 24/7 coach.

(More on me “Manu” coming later)

Even if you had me as your coach for just 2 hours a day…

It’d be $219,000 for the year.

BUT for the exact virtual replication of myself…

And it’ll only cost you the equivalent of a single pizza per month.

Does that sound fair enough?

Why Such A Generous Price For Such A Groundbreaking Technology?

Dear Money Play Hater,

Kindly give me 56 seconds of your time and it’ll all make sense.

Look I’ve been a Madden fanatic since I was a 7 year old kid. 

And boy I’ve been obsesed over it like a drug adict to coke.

Sh*t I’m sure you can relate. 

When they had the middle school book fair back when I was 13…

My teacher required us to get at least 1 book.

Guess which one I got?

The official Madden guide EVERY year.

(And at this time I didn’t even own my own PS/xbox)

But I took away key learnings like how to read a defense…

So when I FINALLY got my own playstation when I was 13…

I was a Madden prodigy out the gate.

But you look at Madden resources today like Youtube…


Those are not real people. They are fucking Madden morons.

Don’t pay them ANY attention.

If you support any Youtubers like that – stop reading here.

I attack them 24/7 in my courses because I love Madden and hope for the e-sport to grow big.

But with those morons around it’ll be difficult.

As someone who’s actually been a well-respected 3x Pro Champion for 9 years…

I’ll reveal to you the STRATEGIC (and better) way of playing Madden through my virtual voice activated coach.

That’ll crush any money play spamming – Youtube dickriding idiot right in their tracks.

Best believe those morons don’t know how to think past their 2 play spam once you strategically bully them.

And if you’re looking to transition from money play specialist to strategic savage I welcome you as well.

Now the truly special part…

All you’ll need is your phone, my app – Joseph “Manu” Montefusco, and your voice to say…

“Hey coach how do I stop *insert money play*”…

Pretty fucking cool right?

Feel free to pick my brain on ANY Madden topic too.

And just as a fuck you to Madden Youtubers and e-book creators 

(Ya know the paid version of the Youtube morons)

I priced my virtual replica at a historically low price just for you.

Now I invested 3.5 years of my precious youth and $112,798 into this project. 

Just so I make my money back…

All I ask is you tell a friend after you experience how kick-ass awesome the app is.

Sound fair enough?

It’s the ONLY way we’ll ignite a true revolution against the dumbass e-book money play maniacs ruining our game.

Copyright © 2023 THE MADDEN ACADEMY. All rights reserved.